Initially, a “hands-on” video of the Galaxy Watch 3 was leaked along with some of the wearable’s hardware specifications. On paper, it’s has a 41mm crown and a 1.2-inch AMOLED display, which is comparably smaller than previous generations of the Watch. The good news is – depending on who you speak to – that Samsung plans on shipping out the Galaxy Watch 3 in the Mystic Bronze colour option that we first got a glimpse of with the Galaxy Note 20. Naturally, other external features include IP68 water and dust resistance, plus 5ATM ratings. Signifying its design for an active lifestyle. On the inside, the Galaxy Watch 3 should come with 1GB RAM and 8GB of onboard storage. In addition, Samsung has reportedly also included an ECG measurement and blood pressure monitor to the wearable, in an effort to make it competitive, if not on par with Apple’s current Watch 5 series of smartwatches. Of course, if that wasn’t enough, serial leakster Evan Blass (@evleaks) recently posted an image render of the alleged Galaxy Watch 3 in all its glory on his Twitter account. Specifically, the image itself shows the watch with black wrist straps, along with a silver-coloured body and black rotating bezel. Usually, we’d advise you to take these leaks with a large grain of salt. However, seeing how these leaks are coming so close to the launch date of Samsung’s upcoming event, it’s safe to say that this could be the real deal. (Source: 9to5Google)