According to its official statement, the Astro employee who was tested positive for COVID-19 was part of the transportation team for its Outside Broadcast division and currently being treated at a government hospital. The company has begun contact tracing in order to identify other individuals that might have been in contact with the employee for further action.

If you are wondering what is going to happen to Astro services in your home, it will continue as usual. Despite the temporary closure of AABC, everything is still business as usual for Astro as the company has activated its contingency plans to remain operational. Meanwhile, don’t forget to practice good hygiene and stay home as much as possible during the on-going Movement Control Order period. It requires all of our efforts together to break the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, so let’s do our part diligently.

Astro s Broadcast Centre Temporarily Closed After Staff Tested Positive For COVID 19 - 67