While the minister has extended the invite to his fellow MPs, he declined to publicly reveal the location of the test flight though. He insisted that the test flight was meant as a private demonstration and having it being done publicly could jeopardize the company that was behind the flying car. Not only that, but the exact identity of the flying car company is also still a mystery. Of course, we first suspected that the company is actually the Aerodyne Group which has made its way into the headlines after the scale mock-up of its Vector heavy-load conceptual drone garnered massive attention at LIMA 2019. Furthermore, Redzuan has made a reference to the company’s status as the top 3 drone service provider in the world from time to time whenever the subject of a flying car was mentioned. However, Aerodyne Group has stated it will not be involved in the test flight when it was contacted by a local web portal, TTKM.

Then again, several photos that have been making their way online pointed to another company called EastCap who has actually announced its collaboration with EHang and Strong Rich Holdings back in August. Based on these images, it seems that the said flying car is an EHang 216:

We are reaching out to EastCap in order to obtain confirmation from the company regarding the rumoured test flight although don’t expect much though given the earlier remark made by the Minister of Entrepreneur Development. (Source: Parlimen Malaysia [pdf] // The Star // Berita Harian – 1, 2 // EastCap // TTKM )