According to the agency, all the key ISPs in Malaysia including TM, Maxis, Time, and Celcom have indeed reached agreements that will directly result in reduced prices for fixed broadband. In fact, MCMC confirmed that the price reduction will still take place by the end of 2018. At the same time, the agency also pointed out that some of these ISPs have lowered down their priced and increased the speed of their fixed broadband offerings. That being said though, MCMC stopped short of providing the exact detail behind the price reduction that these ISPs already have or will implement on their fixed broadband plans. In its closing remarks, MCMC stated that the agency will be making another round of announcement regarding this matter very soon. All in all, today’s statement seemed more like a teaser than anything else. With that, guess we still have to wait to see where the new access agreements by these major ISPs will eventually lead us to. (Source: MCMC)