On Twitter, Microsoft’s Alex Kipman, the man behind the HoloLens wearable, said “don’t believe what you read on the internet” where the AR device is concerned. He also goes on to say that some corners of the internet says that the HoloLens 2 was cancelled, which is not true.

— Alex Kipman (@akipman) February 3, 2022 To be fair, what Kipman said has a lot of space for interpretation. Even if the message seems to indicate that he is outright denying the report, he did not mention the HoloLens 3 specifically. All he said was that HoloLens as a series is doing great, which makes the statement really up for interpretation. All that said, it wouldn’t make any real difference to the average consumer. Ever since the first model, the HoloLens was an enterprise-only device. Even with much of the tech industry chasing the metaverse trend, it’s probably unlikely to see the HoloLens 3 becoming a consumer grade wearable, or at least have a price that’s affordable enough to be such a device. (Source: Alex Kipman / Twitter)