Microsoft’s marketing chief Chris Capossela reportedly sent out a memo to all company employees not to engage in “any public-facing April Fools’ Day stunts”. In his own words, Chris says that Microsoft has “more to lose than gain by attempting to be funny on this day”, and there will be plenty who are inclined to agree.

And if anyone disagrees, all you need to do is remind them of the “mic drop” prank that Google did with Gmail last year. It backfired so bad that the company was forced to apologise and pull the “feature” early. While it looks like we’ll be able to trust Microsoft to honour its commitment on 1 April, it will probably be safer to take even this bit of news with a pinch of salt. After all, Capossela’s memo could have very well been planned in advance, in order to lure the unexpecting masses into a false sense of security. (Source: The Verge)

Microsoft Wants To Ban April Fools  Warns Employees Not To Participate In Pranks - 95