Based on the YouTube announcement video, there looks to be at least three LEGO sets for Luigi’s Mansion. The largest, and probably priciest, set of them all is called Haunt-and-Seek, followed by Entryway, and then Lab and Poltergeist. Each has its own exclusive piece, which are King Boo, Polterpup and the Poltergust 3000 vacuum, respectively. Despite the Halloween-themed announcement, the Luigi’s Mansion sets themselves will only be available starting 1 January 2022. So if you were planning to pick up the set now, you’ll have to be disappointed for two whole months. Of course, that’s assuming that these sets make their way here to our shores. But with the previous LEGO Mario and Luigi sets being available here’ no reason why these won’t also be coming our way. No details on what their local prices are at the moment. But in the US, the Haunt-and-Seek, Entryway and Poltergust expansion sets are priced at US$79.99 (~RM332), US$39.99 (~RM166) and US$29.95 (~RM124), respectively. (Source: LEGO [1], [2] via Engadget)