In addition to selling its remaining Steam Controller, Valve is also slashing its price by 90%. Bringing the original price of US$49.99 (~RM208) down to just US$5 (~RM20). Despite mixed reviews, Valve managed to sell over 500000 units of the controller in the first six months after launch. The design of the Steam Controller has undoubtedly been a core topic among critics – its unique trackpads often a hot subject among those who had the privilege of either owning or testing out the controller. That said, there is also no denying that it is one of the most configurable controllers ever made, the Xbox Elite controller coming in a close second.

The controller received its last major update during May last year. The update essentially activating its Bluetooth module and allowing it to connect to smartphones and be used with its Steam Link app. Sadly, the Steam Controller is not officially available in Malaysia, so unless you’ve managed to get your hands on the Steam Controller by other means, the device will finally be relegated to the annals of gaming history. (Source: TheNextWeb, The Verge, Engadget // Image: Steam)

Valve Officially Discontinues Steam Controller  Drops Price To US 5 Per Controller - 98